Saturday, February 25, 2006

Releasing fallow deer at Enehøje in Nakskov Fjord

I was lucky and excited! Was invited to take part with my camera during the release of 14 fallow deers at the island Enehøje in Nakskov Fjord.
Together with other interested people and people from DR Television I waited some hours at Langø harbour to receive the truck from Copenhagen. The weather was a little foggy and rainy.
Finally the animals arrived in the truck and all the deer and people sailed in two boats to the island. As soon the releasing began all thing went very fast! All 14 deer jumped away from their boxes out to freedom and I am sorry - I did not succeed to get photos of the jumping animals.
Now they are in peace and hopefully enjoying the beautifull landscapes at the island Enehøje.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

culturenature still alive!

She is only 10 days old and the most excellent example of the culturenature.
Culturenature is very much alive!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Foggy days

Sometimes you will find really strange colours outside on a foggy day

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

this day!

Powerful machines on another beautiful day.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Signs and tracks

Look at this - to day I found these signs in the yard. Designed by the car and covered with ice. What could it possible means?

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Horseland - DK

Horses love this part of the country! The map show you the western part of the Lalandia savanna - in this landscape with the wide horizon no lion can hide himself from the attention of a horse. I will show you more photos to document this in the future.

The lakes at Maribo

This is something - to be a peaceful cow - looking out over the silent water in this beautiful landscape of Lolland.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The beach and bathing hut

To day at the beach - Hestehovedet at Nakskov - the light was special I think! We could walk on the ice - no one was bathing!

Landscape WestLolland

The winter is still hanging over the western part of Lolland - Denmark! It looks very often beautiful and I can't stop taking photos every day. Even then we are longing for spring and icefree streets for the horses to get around in the landscape.